This year dan pearlman participates once again in many different trade fairs and congresses all over the word. The speeches of our colleagues provide insights of current trends and developments as well as in the agency’s activities such as new projects and concepts.
29.01.2016 Retail Academy in Berlin
Guided tour and speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley about BIKINI BERLIN
13.04.2016 Handel digital der APA, Österreichische Presseagentur, in Linz
Speech by Tilman Dachselt
14.04.2016 World Retail Congress in Dubai
Nicole Srock.Stanley participates in panel with a talk about BIKINI BERLIN
20.04.2016 Dachmarkenforum in Düsseldorf
Speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley about BIKINI BERLIN
09.05.2016 Wirtschaftskonferenz Berlin-Breslau der IHK Berlin
Opening speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley
11.05.2016 Deutsches Shopping Center Forum in Bonn
Speech by Volker Katschinski and Jens Peter Klatt about Mister Spex‘ first Offline Store
25.05.2016 FH Aachen Ringvorlesung
Speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley about BIKINI BERLIN
16./17.06.2016 Fifteen Second Festival in Graz
Speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley about BIKINI BERLIN
5.07.2016 EXPLORING RETAIL in Köln
Speech by Volker Katschinski und Jens Peter Klatt about Mister Spex Storekonzept and speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley und Bojan Nicolic about Mein Hoffi
14.09.2016 EXPERIENCE JOURNEY in the Lufthansa Brand Academy in Frankfurt Seeheim
Guided tour for Brand- and HR-Managers by Prof. Marcus Fischer, Thorsten Kadel und Karen Klessinger, organized by dan pearlman
05.10.2016 Smart Afternoon in Vienna
Panel with Nicole Srock.Stanley about new work environments
09.11.2016 FirstStoreAward in Berlin
Speech by Volker Katschinski about Shopping Experience
17.11.2016 Raumwelten in Ludwigsburg
Speech by Nicole Srock.Stanley about Mein Hoffi
25.11.2016 Remic in St. Petersburg
Speech by Nicole Gietz and Karen Klessinger about Workplace & Employee Experience