“Sustainable is what (always) benefits.”
Tilman Dachselt, Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation, dan pearlman
In the era of accelerated consumption and unchecked growth, we have lost the ability to think in terms of Multi-Purpose, Multi-Use, and Multi-Coding. Therefore, when it comes to sustainability, we are facing a MIND and a DO-Shift: the economy must be radically rethought and planned as a cycle. People must once again benefit long-term from a place without the value of its use decreasing. It is important to incorporate the flexibility of future uses from the outset in the planning of a place, without questioning the “big picture”, that is, the place itself. As a Strategic Director of Sustainable Transformation, I advise clients so that economic success and a sustainable, ESG-compliant development concept can build on each other sensibly. Every creative strategy and project development at dan pearlman is guided by the principle: Planet, People, Profit. A better future can only be achieved through sustainable transformation and innovation.
Tilman Dachselt has completed the certificate course “Construction and Communication-Specific Knowledge in Sustainability Management (IHK).”