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Creating the future together with kids


All kids are seated in a row and are excitedly waiting for the day to start. Today is not a usual day at school. Today we will create the future. The team of dan pearlman is visiting the pupils of the 6th grade at St. Mauritius school. Together, we want to explore how the kids want to design their future. „How do we want to live and work?“ is the big question of the workshop day. With different tasks, we are approaching the topics work, jobs, work organization, work environments and, finally, the jobs of the future. Let’s start with a game: Who is looking after little siblings? Who is taking responsibility for a pet? And who has already helped their parents with their work? With a lot of enthusiasm, the kids report on their daily duties or that they supported their parents e.g. at paint works. What we realized: kids do already perform tiny jobs. In the next tasks, kids are asked about which jobs they know, what they like about certain professions and why some jobs are perceived as rather boring. After a huge collection of different jobs, we conclude that all jobs, even if they do not seem to be exciting at first glance, are important and require different and specific skills.
Then, the kids are ready for a first glance at the future: What is your dream job? For this task, the kids draw their body outline on big sheets of paper and fill them with pictures and texts about the skills that are important for their dream jobs. For a future atorney, gut instincts and the sense of justice are vital. A florist should be in love with flowers and have a sense for design while a prospective ice hockey player needs strong muscles in arms and legs and should have real team spirit. After drafting their dream jobs, the kids start to think about which additional skills they need to work in their preferred profession.
We wish the kids of the 6th grade of St. Mauritius School all the best for their exciting future. We, today’s grown ups, will support you as much as we can! CREATE CHANGE
A special thanks goes to: all kids oft he 6th grade, the class teacher and the school administration of St. Mauritius Grundschule in Berlin-Lichtenberg, Maxi Strauch and the whole team of duckfilm for the great film, the whole team of dan pearlman and to all experts and decision makers who want to create a livable tomorrow fort he next generations. We are looking for CREATE CHANGE corporate mentors!





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