Sustainable communication: Internal Communications for Mercedes-Benz has been a main topic of brand strategy and brand communications of the German brand. dan pearlman developed several long term measurements for employees and managers in the last years including a virtual brand academy for the brand’s intranet and a Mercedes brand book designed for managers. Trainings and workshops complement the highly successful international brand ambassador initiative. Online brand ambassadors can exchange ideas on their own "Mercedes me" global community platform.
The Mercedes-Benz brand book developed by dan pearlman takes employees on an emotionally moving trip, from the brand’s very essence to its impact on the outside world. It recounts the pioneering work of the brand’s founder and describes the visionary responsibility of each and every employee for the brand’s future. A total of 13,000 brand books were given out to Mercedes-Benz managers. As an important part of Mercedes’ internal branding campaign, the book communicates to employees the meaning of the brand values fascination, perfection, and responsibility in an emotionally moving context. In precisely this way the brand finds its way into the hearts and minds of employees. The Mercedes-Benz eBook is a present from the brand to all its employees. With interactive elements, films, and links to internal and external sources of information, there is nothing inferior to the hard cover version when it comes to interactivity and high quality. In the years ahead an estimated 100,000 employees will be able to experience the eBook as a regular feature of the Mercedes-Benz Intranet presence.