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Employer Branding

Wie Unternehmen erfolgreich Talente für sich begeistern

Do companies really need to go to war to find good employees? Is the much-cited ‘War for Talents’ truly a battle? Or more a notion of exactly how not to find the right talents? If you are looking for people who will enrich your company, it is not advisable to pursue a strategy of corporate dominance to outmaneuver your competitors in the job market. Instead, it is better to launch an initiative to sustainably attract the right talents.

Certainly, well-educated talents have expectations and demands on you as an employer. Furthermore, they are well-informed, globally oriented, and thanks to demographic changes, they clearly hold better cards. In other words, they can usually choose their new jobs quite calmly and decide based on personal preferences regarding workplace, environment, and conditions.

Employers are therefore under pressure. From actively searching for talent, to successful onboarding, to retaining and developing them, there are countless areas where employers can either excel or fall short. Fortunate are those who can rely on a coherent employer branding strategy aligned with the company and its brand. Even better is a company that has established a corporate culture where employees also become ambassadors for the brand, act in the company’s interest, and even find a defined higher purpose in their work. Everyone knows from personal experience that meaningful work leads to deeper fulfillment and invariably results in satisfied employees and better work outcomes. Or in other words, motivated employees who give their best for the company demonstrate genuine employee engagement.

However, statistics show that this only applies to a small double-digit percentage of all employees. The good news is that there is much room for improvement, meaning it is worthwhile for every company and institution to invest in an employer branding strategy and its consistent implementation sooner rather than later. While there are no standardized solutions, there is a proven methodology. This includes values and the Employer Value Proposition as much as diversity and inclusion, a precise understanding of the talent journey, and the right communication all the way to internal branding. Equally essential is a meaningful purpose, a future-proof culture, and not least a holistic Blue Work approach that enables healthy work, which ideally is also enjoyable. Is this always easy? Certainly not! But it is the right path, one that, once taken consistently, will surely turn the ‘War for Talents’ into a ‘Journey of Success.’ Are you ready? We are too.





Scrum Kitchen




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