Between the first quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, dan pearlman has been the lead agency for the entire brand experience of the concept shopping mall BIKINI BERLIN. The dan pearlman team completely revamped its visual language and communications content. All concepts follow the central theme of curated shopping. With the promise of establishing BIKINI BERLIN as the ‘Host of Creativity’, several thematic categories and other factors were set in place. Especially during the time around Easter it is necessary to establish the Shopping-Destination for food, fashion and design as an attractive alternative to other competing mall concepts.
The inspiration behind the motif around the exploding bunny was to transport the combination of Easter traditions and a modern kind of entertainment into the core set of values of BIKINI BERLIN. Already the arrangement and implementation with Easter bunnies, feathers, sweets, colors, balloons and Co. remarked the creative and extraordinary character of the campaign. The idea for the visual was a reference to the Piñata, an Easter tradition from Latin America. Piñatas are figures made from papier mâché, filled with sweets. During Easter, children are allowed to smash them. The bunny on the poster as a bursting Piñata revives memories of this Easter tradition. Indeed the porcelain bunny was smashed with a hammer like a real Piñata.