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Rotary Club

Rotary Club

Nicole Srock.Stanley at Rotary Club Berlin – Creative Economy in Flux: High End Despite Family Friendliness?

On April 2, 2014, Nicole Srock.Stanley will present to Rotary Club Berlin how family friendliness in business can be combined with the demands of the creative economy and contemporary work environment using the example of the dan pearlman agency.

Rotary Club is the oldest service club organization in the world. In Berlin alone, twenty-five clubs already exist with the goal of translating professional skills into volunteer work as well as supporting local community projects and international humanitarian aid projects. With the motto ‘Service Above Self’, they take it upon themselves to help people who cannot help themselves.

With courage, sustainability and understanding as its brand values, dan pearlman already places great importance on putting an equitable work-life balance into practice—not only within the company but also in terms of its clients. For instance, dan pearlman assists its clients by providing ‘social and green’ advisory expertise.

At dan pearlman, work and family form a natural unit: in 2010 the agency was recognized as Berlin’s most family friendly company. Be it through flexible working hours, special offers for single parents or working from home—dan pearlman actively campaigns for a corporate culture of equality and family-friendliness.

With this approach, dan pearlman would like to serve as an overall role model for all agencies in the field.



Zoo Berlin - Nashorn Pagode - Denkmal

Zoo Berlin - Nashorn Pagode - Denkmal


Nashorn Pagode

Nashorn Pagode


Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation - Tilman Dachselt

Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation - Tilman Dachselt

Tilman Dachselt

Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation Tilman Dachselt

Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation Tilman Dachselt

Tilman Dachselt