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Workshop Relevant Branding

The Future of Brands is Called “Relevant Branding”

How will customer needs change?

What will follow love branding in brand management?

What can brand managers do to keep their brands relevant for

customers in the future?

dan pearlman’s international team of experts knows the answers to these questions and is developing individual “relevant branding” solutions as part of an internal agency lab.

Like fashion, brand management is also subject to trends. Yesterday’s successful strategies no longer meet the needs of customers today. Current studies show that consumers would never notice if half of all brands were to disappear tomorrow. Following the success of image and love branding, we are now entering the age of “relevant branding”. Only those brands offering added meaning in addition to product benefits will be successful in the future. Brands that set themselves apart from the competition by markedly improving their target group’s quality of life.

How will your brand develop into a “relevant brand” that customers cannot live without? In our Relevant Branding Workshops we work together with you and our experts to create a roadmap to greater brand relevance.

Sign up now for an individual workshop!


dan pearlman Markenarchitektur GmbH

Franziska Zuhrt – Senior Strategist, New Business Development

E-Mail: f.zuhrt@danpearlman.com | Tel.: +49 30 53 000 – 569



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Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation - Tilman Dachselt

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Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation Tilman Dachselt

Strategic Director Sustainable Transformation Tilman Dachselt

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